Quicklift Day and Night serum | Beauty and Beauty Cosmetics – B&B

Quicklift Day and Night serum - Hyaluronic

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Quicklift day and Night Cream Hyaluronic

The Quicklift Day and Night serum is a combination of the hyaluronic acid and the Quicklift™ formula.

Hyaluronic acid is and endogenous which makes it completely organic and natural can store up big amounts of water from the skins epidermis, with that said it gives us many effects both visual and indistinct.

It supports, smoothens and tightens the skin. The Water storing property gives the hyaluronic the popular filling effect on the skin.

When combined with Quicklift the Hyaluronic acid reaches maximum efficiency, as Quicklift gives the skin a huge moisturizing feeling the pores open up bigger than usual for the hyaluronic to get into the epidermis.

When the hyaluronic acid reaches the epidermis the unique multi stage treatment starts: In the first stage the epidermis receives a moisturizing treatment which not only sets the skin up for the second stage but opens the pores for more absorption.

The second stage is the hyaluronics playground; the hyaluronic with its epithelizational properties help damaged and weak skin cells recover.

When looking at the optical results of hyaluronic on the surface of the skin, we are getting rid of wrinkles and lines that cover the skin.

That’s all through the healing and filler properties that come along the hyaluronic acid and the activity in the skins epidermis.

The third stage or the so called “Purification-phase”, cleans and intoxicates the skin through the combination of grapeseed oil, jojoba oil and sunflower seed oil. Ultimately we are left with a pure, smooth and a wrinkle free skin.

The combination of Day & Night in one Serum comes is an advantage when it comes to temporal and monetary reasons. For optimal results combine it with our Hyaluronic Day and Night Cream (3801).

Our hyaluronic line is free of parabens which are preservatives that may lead to skin irritations and ultimately to allergic responses on the skins surface.


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